Matcha and Raspberry Coconut Balls

These little domes of joy are fabulously healthy, but still feel like a treat as they are beautifully sweet and contain energy boosting anti-oxident – Matcha Green Tea Powder. Brilliant for Post/Pre Work out or just as a healthy snack.

To make these little beauties you will need:



For the Chocolate Shell

100g No added Sugar Chocolate Bar – I love Chocologic – you can get it in Tescos! (Aldi do their own brand too…) If you like – you could use your favourite dark chocolate bar instead, choose a 70% or higher cocoa one, much less sugar…

For the Green Tea Filling

40g Coconut oil (or you can use Butter if you like – I like a grass fed variety as it contains more Omega 3)

50g Dessicated Coconut (unsweetened)

50g Ground Almonds

3 tsps Matcha Green Tea Powder – If you can’t get this – try it with Cocoa Powder instead, still yummy.

20g Truvia Stevia Sweetener, this makes them quite sweet, you can use less than this if you like, prepare it to your taste.

Pinch Salt


For the Raspberry Centre

50g Dessicated Coconut

20g Coconut Oil Butter

7g Raspberry Powder

5g Truvia Stevia Sweetener



I used a mould to form the dome shapes but you really dont need this, you can just form them into balls and brush with melted chocolate. If you have got moulds, brush the insides with melted chocolate and add the filling once set.

To form free-hand balls, this is how:


  1. Pop all the green tea filling ingredients into a food processor and blend for about a minute.
  2. Remove to a bowl, give the food processor bowl a wipe around with a cloth – then pop all the raspberry filling ingredients into the processor bowl and blend for about 30secs.
  3. Take a pinch of Green Tea filling and flatten in your palm, take a smaller pinch of raspberry filling and place in the middle of the green tea filling, gently close your palm around the fillings and squish into a ball shape. Continue until all the mixture is used up.
  4. Melt the chocolate – I use a microwave to give it a blast for a few secs at a time to melt, but you can use a bain marie – place a heatproof bowl above a pan of simmering water – ensure that the water is not touching the bowl or boiling too vigourously, break up the chocolate in the bowl and nudge gently until meletd.
  5. Cover the balls with the melted chocolate, I like to brush it on in a thin layer, but you can dip them if you fancy that!
  6. Allow to set and enjoy. (Brilliant after school snack or packed lunch treat too, although my daughter prefers the chocolate version!)


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